Recently named “#1 Franchise Preschool Chain in the United States” by Entrepreneur Magazine for the twelfth consecutive year, and is listed in the top 200 for Worldwide Sales by Franchise Times, Goddard Systems, Inc. is expanding The Goddard School® network throughout the country. With a successful system in place and dedicated franchisees, Goddard has achieved its initial goal as the acknowledged leader in franchised childcare. The company now has its sights on the next level – recognition as the premier childcare provider in the United States.
- Goddard School Franchise Units: 385+
- Goddard School Franchise Fee: $135,000
- Minimum Investment Required: $701,400 – $721,400 total
- Minimum Cash Injection: $150,000
- GSI Headquarters: 1016 West Ninth Avenue • Suite 210 • King of Prussia, PA 19406